Date of publication: 31 Aug 2024


I adopted 2 cats at the end of 2022, I've always wanted to have pets and now that I had achieved independence it seemed like a good time. This blogpost is just a extremely self indungent exercise to show the world their cuteness and attitude, hope you enjoy.


Ranni is a cheeky super cute gal. She's a handful and is always in the mood to play, when I adopted her we would play like 5 or 7 times a day, and that was just the minimum to calm her down so she'd let me work.

That said, at first I was very worried about her, she was a very scaredy cat and would flee from me, watch me from the corners of the house, refuse any pets and never meow, never ever. That changed on the 2nd week of her being here, from one moment to another she accepted me as her guardian and started enjoying pets and being by my side, she also started meowing but her meows are not normal. Her meowing style sounds like "Eeeek, Eeek" which is kinda funny, I find it cute.

I love that she has little cheeks on her face and her pattern is overall REALLY cute, I'm very fortunate to have her in my life. I know that she looks thin, but don't worry! I've been told by a veterinarian that she's plenty fine, she eats very well, that's just her complexity.


Tubbo is a cuddly orange fatass. He's not actually THAT fat but he sure does look like it side by side with Ranni. He was pretty quick to accept me as his guardian and has enjoyed pets since the first week in the house. He loves all sorts of pets but he specially loves spankies, I have an old bent mattress on a wall in my house which I use with the cats to play, they love climbing it. And whenever I step out to the kitchen there is a 70% chance that a Tubbo will spawn on my way back and ask for spankies on the mattress.

People ask me if he does "orange cat things" and I dunno what to tell you. He's certainly the more normal of the two, but I might just have two orange type cats.